Saturday, February 27, 2010

'One day hair'.

My life coach and I both have what we affectionately call 'one day hair'. Meaning that no matter what we do, our hairstyle is only good for one day (sometimes even a 1/2 a day). Take yesterday for example. I was exhausted from having worked almost 17 hours the day before so I took a mid afternoon nap (a perk of not working Friday's). I woke up early evening, looked at myself in the mirror, and thought 'what a HTM'. Seriously. My hair was ruined. It had gotten all bent out of place and no amount of flat-ironing could help it. I will spare you the picture, because I don't look very glamorous upon first waking up.

I can't even take a shower the night before and do my hair in the morning because it gets so messy. I'm not even kidding. I just have weird hair. I spend outrageous amounts of money on products in hope of achieving what I think is 'good hair', but most days I'm still not thrilled with how it looks.

It's just not fair that some people (Cornmeal & Haydan O.) have hair that is naturally straight, long and can look great for 2+ days. Whatever to them.


Jenn S. said...

Have you tried ry shampoo? I've had several people rave about how wonderful bumble and bumble's dry shampoo is for helping your hair "get" that extra day in . . . My hairstylist said to come in and she'll show me how to use it (sort of scares me . . ) but I want to try it.

PS - we get in on Saturday afternoon. Kate is soooo excited to go to the place where the "boys and girls jump in the water" while you eat . . .

Danielle said...

I've tried it, but my hair doesn't seem fresh. Problems...

Um, Kate might be sorely disappointed b/c it is probably going to snow while y'all are here.