Saturday, August 2, 2008


How wrong is it for me to be in love with a married vampire?  I swear I'm acting like a 13 year old.  But, the new Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, is SO good.  I've only read 100 pages and I'm already enraptured.  Needless to say I have a ton of homework I'm supposed to be doing, 6 tests to take within the next week and 4 papers to write.  Why does this book have to be so good?  Ahh.  I am definitely going to start looking for a vampire of my very own.

On another note, I 'hung out' with one of my really good friends for the first time this whole summer.  (I'm lame, I know.)  And it is just so nice to get to chit-chat and relax and be around a great friend.  (Shout-out 'Bird'!)


Anonymous said...

KaKAW!!! -The Bird

P.S. Edward is all mine! :B Bite me Edward!

shan1420 said...

You should hang out with me.

{Susan...Seriously.} said...

i was right there with you, too until after those first 100 pages or, how it turned...