Where did everyone go? I NEED more comments. They make me very happy. Maybe I'll just have to find new ways to impress you guys, because clearly what I'm doing now isn't working. I 'know' people read my blog, but for whatever reason they're not commenting. Whatever. Please comment, just because I like you to.
Thank you.
Why do you hope it's a boy? Just curious is all......
How are things going in the boy dept? I don't think you've mentioned that area to me in a while.
You are such a comment whore!
(I love it!) xoxox
blog about me and I will comment.
p.s.please stay for Halloween. Please
You are very luxury and I do read your blog all the time (when I HAVE time). xoxo
So, not everyone has the luxury of being done with school. If I wasn't in school, I'm sure I'd comment a lot more. Regardless, I'm usually very good about commenting on your blog. Come to think of it, you really don't comment on comments. So, maybe that would be sa-weet. ;)
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